It seems like a quick Google search of whatever ails you and CBD will populate page after page of the benefits of CBD and that specific problem. Weight loss and CBD is no different. What is the actual science behind this, and does it actually work for weight loss? Like many “issues,” weight loss sounds simple, right? Well, it isn’t. People have different perceptions of weight loss. From losing a half pound, to make that six-pack pop, to losing 100 pounds. That is a wide range and there is a lot of “stuff” going on in between the two extremes.
The Thrifty Genes - It could be named a little better, but these genes are a huge deal in the world of weight loss. Humans developed this gene when starvation was a problem. The fittest developed thrifty genes, meaning they did not use a lot of calories during rest, and do not shed stored fat (energy) easily. These genes saved humans when their prey escaped, or crops failed. But in present day, storage of fat and conservation of energy do not help us survive. In fact, they may do the opposite. Therefore, individuals with a predisposition to these thrifty genes will have more trouble losing weight compared to those who do not express these genes. This is hard for a lot of people to wrap their head around. I have known people who have trouble with their weight. These people try very hard to lose weight but people often assume they are eating in excess, slacking in the physical activity, and living a generally sedative lifestyle. These people often need surgery and the supervision of a doctor to achieve a “normal” weight. In Utero – People who had mothers who smoked while pregnant will have often have more issues with weight than those that didn't. Mothers who had diabetes while pregnant also have a greater chance of having children that will have weight issues. Early Childhood – Children that have breastfed for the first three months have a much lower chance of obesity than those that did not. Additionally, early childhood habits often set the tone for adulthood. Conditioning a young child to eat a poor diet and learn the habits of a generally sedative lifestyle will have a negative impact on their weight as an adult.
It is imperative that you have a serious self-evaluation to determine what issues you have with weight. None at all? Seriously? Keep up the good work! Trying to shred that six pack? Buckle up and lock down the diet, you know what to do! Have you been obese since you were a kid? Get professional help, it will save your life.
For those of us that are in between a serious genetic issue and a six pack here are some quick tips.
Emotional Relationship with Food - Dealing with emotional issues by eating is a problem that a lot of people have. Stressed out? Eat. Bored? Eat. If you want to experience quick satisfaction (and you know it will deliver) … eat, eat, eat! Try asking yourself why you are going to eat and what you are going to eat, before you eat it. This gets interesting, often I find myself eating because I want a break from work, not because I’m hungry.
If you eat because you’re stressed, try taking a good full spectrum CBD product before resorting to food. CBD has been shown to suppress appetite in some people. A study showed that while CBD did not affect the appetite or resulted in appetite suppression in 93% of people the other 7% experience weight gain and an increase of appetite. When it come to using CBD for appetite suppression, try it out. Especially if you eat when your stressed out or if you’re trying to quite something that gives you anxiety. However, you should know that there is a small percentage of people that experience an increase in appetite from CBD supplementation.
There are minor cannabinoids that are being studied specifically for appetite suppression. THCV, unlike THC, is shaping up to be a great appetite suppressant!
Cut Back on the Tube - The average American watches 4…FOUR… hours of TV per day. Watching TV is very similar to sleeping; basically no calories are being burnt while watching TV.
Acknowledge your Food – Call it a higher power, call it the Universe, but before you eat acknowledge what you’re eating and its nutritional value. Give your food respect by eating without multitasking. This may seem silly but if you focus on your food you will increase the quality of what you eat. Furthermore, if you’re not multi-tasking, your brain and stomach can communicate better, and this will let you know when you’re full.
Additionally, looking at your food and being thankful for the nutrition you’re about to put into your body is very important. There is a big difference in between being thankful for a bag of potato chips and a salad. Say it out loud, “Thank you for this bag of potato chips! It is going to metabolize as glucose which will spike my blood sugar, which will result in cortisol and may have a negative effect on my heart. It is greasy and may make me break out. This bag of potato chips will taste great, but it will make me fat and unhappy in the long run. This will affect my overall happiness and my self-esteem. Bon Appetite!” Try one for the salad; you get the picture...
Invest in your Food – Good, healthy, whole food is expensive. It is worth it. Stay away from processed foods. When you go to the store only shop on the outside perimeter of store. Buy foods that visibly “go bad.”
Know What you’re Eating – One of the things that really gets me are “healthy foods” that aren’t healthy; they're just marketed that way. Give juices and protein bars a very skeptical hairy-eye. There are often huge amounts of sugar in these foods. There are approximately 56 different names for sugar on the labels!
Avoid Refined Sugar! Stick to fresh fruits to satiate that sweet tooth.
I hope this helps. And as always, Stay healthy my friends!